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reference point : Turkey
29.09 – 05.10.2008 rum46 Aarhus, Denmark
Curator: Fatos Ustek
Artists: Asli Sungu, Canan Senol,Erinc Seymen,
Esra Ersen, Isil Egrikavuk, Isidora Ficovic,
Nevin Aladag, Sefer Memisoglu, Solmaz Shahbazi
Studsgade 46, st. tv.
8000 Århus CDenmark
Phone: +45 86208625
[email protected]
Here..There..Abroad.. has been realised as video days in Germany – Stuttgart and Berlin- by the invitation of ifa (Institut Fur Auslandbeziehungen) and have hosted 11 video screenings and a performance by Turkish artists. In Rum 46, Here..There..Abroad.. will be realised as an exhibition hosting nine positions which relate to each other and to the concept of the exhibition on various levels. Rum 46 will be hosting six video screenings, an installation, an artist talk and a performance by artists who are related to Turkey. (i.e. have born in Turkey or have produced in Turkey, have lived or living in Turkey…)
Moreover Here..There..Abroad will be hosting special projects that will be realised for rum46. Nevin Aladag will realise a special performance, Isidora Ficovic will be realising a publication for take away for the audience which is related to her video piece positioned as an installation.
The booklet What is Contemporary? has been realized specially for the occasion of the exhibition Here..There..Abroad..and it has been realized in line with the video project ‘What is Contemporary?’ which consists of immediate answers by artists, curators whom Isidora Ficovic met in Istanbul during her residency at Platform Contemporary Art Center. The booklet is a furthering of the video project on a written basis where the former contributors were asked to reply the same question vie e-mail.