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Analogna interaktivna instalacija
Kaligrafija, mobilni telefon, lupe, kompas
U10 galerija, Beograd 2017

Kanji simbol za nulu urađen je kaligrafskim pisanjem na IAMAS-u (Institute for Advanced Media Arts and Sciences) u Ogakiju (JP) 2016-te. Taj znak za nulu predstavljen je u ovom radu kao skrivena nula koju posmatrač analognom interakcijom otkriva na mediju fotografije prikazane na mobilnom telefonu. Deset lupa različitih veličina i oblika su alatka interakcije, gde svaka od njih daje drugačiju senzaciju digitalnog piksela u oku posmatrača.
“..i vreme je nula i tačka. Ja sam dugo radio na teoriji relativiteta i pronašao sam zapravo skrivenu nulu u specijalnoj teoriji, a šta to znači? To znači da u svim tačkama, pošto je svuda sadašnjost, i pošto sadašnjost nema tok, uvek je sada, taj trenutak je nemerljiv, jer je to beskonačnost koja brojno može da se prikažeme kao nula..” kaže Velimir Abramović.


Analog interactive installation 
Calligraphy, mobile phone, magnifiers, compass
U10 Gallery, Belgrade 2017

Kanji symbol for zero was developed with calligraphic writing on IAMAS (Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences) in Ogaki (JP) in 2016. The sign of zero is presented in this work as a hidden zero that observer discover with analog interaction revealed through the medium of the photo displayed on the mobile phone. Ten magnifier different sizes and shapes are the tool of interaction, where each provides a different sensation of digital pixels in an eye of the observer.
”..and time is zero and point. I have worked long on the theory of relativity and I found actually hidden zero in the special theory, what does that mean? That means that in all points, as everywhere is the present, and since the present does not have flow, it is always now, that moment is immeasurable because it is the infinity that in terms of numbers can be presented as zero.. ” says Velimir Abramovic.
