Digital drawing

[nggallery id=70]

 Interface Cultures, Kunstuniversität Linz


The work is called “The gesture of drawing light with a body movement, Form 24.” Involves all body parts in movement, rather than just a hand gesture, where visual language is enabled with new technology tools the lines of light and colors are expressed in interactivity wearing new media devices.

Augmented body digital graphics, abstract form, lines of light and sounds in space reveal sensibility, controlled with the body gestures. Strokes, similar to brush strokes while painting, here are extended to strokes in control of mind-body gestures, expressing curved lines, light, colors and sound results.

The drawing represents traces of light recorded with digital graphics. It shows experience working with stretchable suite and embedded eight iPods, on the joints of legs and arms, shoulders, stomach and the head. Proprioception method is developing language for visual narrative working with new technology. The visual narrative appears in the form of abstraction in motion, created with lines of light and colors. In the 20th century, art history example is drawing with light in Picasso’s work, made in a small darkened room with electric light. He projected thirty drawings of centaurs, profiles and bulls, and his signature. The photographs of his action were taken using two cameras, front, and side view and leaving the shutters open, it caught the light streaks shaping the form in space, the light drawings. Those light drawings were made with a small electric light, and the effect was vanishing of the images as soon as they were created.
